20 July 2011

Day 19 - A picture and a letter
“If I had a penny for every time you made me feel worthless, I’d be worth something by now.”

Dear Myself in 20 Years,

There is so much that you’ve been through, and so much that you will go through in the future. There will always be people who will try to run you down, break you down, and get you to give up on everything that means anything to you; don’t let them. You are the strongest person I know, and you are the only person that has any power to do or change anything in your life. You have to remember that when you feel like the world is taking it’s toll on you.

There are so many things that you have to learn, but at the same time, don’t ever lose your innocence. Don’t let others pressure you to do things you’re not comfortable doing. Don’t change who you are in order to impress somebody, because as soon as they leave your life, you won’t know who you are, and that is my biggest fear. Don’t let anybody or anything take away what you believe it. You have to stick to your guns no matter what. &Those people that are by your side at the end of the day are the people who really do love you.

There will always be people begging for you to screw up and fall on your face. Ignore them. There will always be people who want you to fail, let them wish that. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. You are the only one who can make your wildest dreams come true, but don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand when things get hard. 

And finally, don’t be afraid to let people in. I know the thought of that is absolutely terrifying, especially after everything you’ve been through, but I fear the biggest mistake you will make in life is to never let anybody close enough to hurt you. It’s scary; being vulnerable, letting somebody that close.

Don’t ever forget your past, but NEVER let it get in the way of your future. It’s much brighter than you might ever think, and things WILL work out. Just give it time and He will make sure everything happens just the way He planned it. Never forget who you are, the things you believe in, and the people that have been by your side through thick and thin. Don’t push away the people closest to you like you always do. Take the time to actually let somebody close, you won’t regret it.

Last but certainly not least, NEVER give up. On anything. On anyone. If you believe in it, it can happen. If you love somebody, tell them. Don’t be afraid of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, because you’ll regret NOT saying anything if you never give yourself the chance to make stupid mistakes. If you believe in something, voice it. If you feel strongly about something, make sure you’re heard. Learn when to speak up and never let anybody silence your voice, and Learn when to keep your mouth shut. This will be your hardest feat in life, but you can do it.

No matter what life throws at you, you’re strong enough to overcome it. Don’t fear love, Be the best friend you can be, Accept people for who they are, Laugh at yourself, and Live life. You only get one chance, so make sure you live a life worth living; make it one for the books.

When in doubt, turn to the people who have always been in your life and won’t ever leave, even if you want them too… Your family. They are your rock, no matter how much you may seem to hate each other. Learn to rely on the people around you, you need them.

Bottom line,
You’re strong enough for anything, but don’t be afraid to ask for a helping hand every now and then.

This song, is my letter to myself, wrapped in a 5 minute melody: 

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