06 July 2011

Day 04 - A picture of your night

I'm going to alter this one just a little. Instead of a picture of my night, I'm making it a picture of my day. I haven't been on here in a few days, because my fourth of July, was once again, far too eventful. Last year I thought was terrible; there was a massive hail storm the night of the fourth, so we couldn't light fireworks, I got hit by more pieces of hail than I could count, my feet nearly froze off from running around in frozen water, and to top it off, I got over $3500 in hail damage to my car. Yeah, not the best night for me.
But turns out, this year wasn't much better... This year, I was riding around a friends neighborhood on the back of a dirt bike. Sounds fun, right? It was, until my knee got caught on a power box on the side of a road, I got torn from the bike, thrown around the road, and I got massive road rash. And to top if off, the next day I got a trip to the ER.
Bad News: I can't work for 7-10 days.
Good News: I was the hit of the decade in the ER (literally) and myself and the doctors all decided that when I do something, I don't mess around. I go all out, and I go out with a bang. Clearly.

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