16 July 2011

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Inspiration. It's everywhere &nowhere. You can't look for it, you just find it. You stumble upon it. It can be as big as a flashing neon sign in Vegas, or as small as a bubble floating through the air at a fair. Inspiration is wherever you look. Some people spend their whole lives looking for it, and I am fortunate enough to find a little of it in everything I do, see, hear, write, or create. There is no ONE person in the world that inspires me more than another. I find inspiration in the little things in life. I'm inspired by something a friend tells me, by a photograph that I see, by a lyric that I hear on the radio, and so much more. Me being the artistic/creative type, I find most of my inspirations in things like pictures from websites, celebrity tattoos, articles that I read, and the small things that usually go unnoticed. I can find so much inspiration from something as simple as a piece of graffiti, a glimpse of a tattoo, etc. There isn't one person who inspires me, because everybody inspires me in some way, shape or form. Some people may call it things like judgements, jumping to conclusions, or something like that, but I take what I see, think of something, and turn it into something I can work with. Inspiration is everywhere, and just like beauty, it's all in the eye of the beholder.

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