08 July 2011

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

The intangible in my life is what I treasure the most. I live for the things that I can't see or touch, but instead the things that I dream for, hope for, and wish for. My most treasured item(s) are the things that I can't touch, and they're the things that change every day. My most treasured things in my life, are things like my hopes and dreams; the things I want out of life; the things that can't just be given to me, can't be bought, but instead have to be earned.
I say my hopes and my dreams and the things that I want out of life, because no matter what happens in life, I will always have them, and nobody can take them away from me. My house can burn down, my pictures can be taken away, people can tell me I'm worthless, whatever; I am the only person that can change my dreams, ignore them, or make them come true. The things that I want out of my life, are by far, my most treasured things. My dreams, my mind, my hopes, and everything I am willing to do and to sacrifice to make them happen.
&Can I just add, that yes, this is my picture. I took it, and before you judge it or call it something it isn't, ask me for the story behind it. To you, it's just a picture of a road, but to me, it's so much more. Don't judge, don't steal, don't hate.

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