18 July 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Silly people, you actually thought I was going to post something like that on the internet! Bahaha, try again.
Nope, I won't tell you my biggest insecurity. Yes, I have them. Plenty. Probably even more than most people, but I've gotten pretty good at hiding them and playing them off. We all have things we're self conscious of, but the truth is that if you live your life in fear of somebody making fun of your insecurities or letting them get in your way, you won't get anywhere. We all have fears and insecurities and things that make us self conscious in our daily lives, but if you never get over them, they will take over your life.

I am probably just about the most flawed person you will ever meet, but there is no way I will let the little things like that get in the way of my dreams.
It sounds cliche and most people think I'm crazy when I say that, but it's true. Yes, there are days when they take over my mood, but I do everything I can to make those days as rare as I can. I keep people around me who I can lean on for a word of encouragement, and I make sure I always have something to cheer me up.
The bottom line is just this. Yes, I have insecurities, and there are things that are more prominent than others, but no, you won't know them unless you're a VERY close friend, and even then you're not guaranteed to know them. The difference with me and the next person, though, is that I try to overlook those things that make me doubt myself, and do my best to focus on the things that make me stronger, not weaker.

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