15 July 2011

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Chad Armstrong.
My Best Friend. My Role Model. My Inspiration. By BROTHER.
He is the ONE person who has been there for me through thick and thin. He may not be here with me at this very moment, but he's always in my heart, my thoughts, &my prayers. He was there for me through my parents divorce, through fights with parents, when he gave me a black eye, and everything else that's happened. We fight, we bicker, we disagree, but at the end of the day, he's really all I have. I try to be like him as much as I can. He is wise(?) beyond his years and I admire him so much for that. Whenever I need advice, I know I can always turn to him. Whenever I need a word of encouragement, he's there for me with it. Basically, if I didn't have him as a brother, I would be a totally different person, and to me, that thought is absolutely terrifying. He's my everything, my sanity, the voice in my head. He is the definition of a hero. In my book, he is the best brother God could have blessed anybody with. I'm forever thankful he's mine.

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