20 January 2011


What's on yours? Everybody has dreams and things they want to do before they die, so what's one thing you want to do? I would normally list a few things on here, but a bucket list is one thing that should never be shared. Everybody has different dreams and different things they want out of life.
A lot of people would say things like, travel the world, meet somebody famous, meet my prince charming, and so on. But really? What's so unique about those. Everybody wants those things, and for a lot of people, those things won't ever happen. I'm not trying to crush dreams because I have way too many for my own good, I'm just being realistic.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
5 years old: A police man, a firefighter, or an astronaut.
13 years old: A doctor, a famous actor, or a singer.
18 years old: Who the hell knows?!
Our lives have yet to start, so how should we know what we want to do with the rest of it? We have yet to go through truly life changing experiences, have yet to fall madly in love just to have our hearts broken. We have so much to learn, so why do people expect us to know EXACTLY what we want to do with the rest of our lives? By the time most people reach their mid-late 20's, they have settled into their lives and lost the desire to anything else with their lives. But I refuse to be one of those statistics. I know exactly what I want out of life, and I'm not going to waste my life away waiting for it all to happen. I'm going to go out and make it happen. American society has engrained it into the minds of teens that they have to go through school, graduate from high school with the best grades in class, go to college and study medicine so they can be the one to cure cancer. Uh, do you mind if we're REALISTIC for a second?! That's not for everybody. School isn't for every single person, but we have learned that if someone doesn't go to college, it's a copout and they're lazy. NOT TRUE.
My best friend in the whole world didn't go to college; he enlisted in the military. That was the best choice he could have made. This best friend, also has plans to travel the world in a few years, and if you knew him like I do, you would know that he doesn't say things like that unless they're going to happen. Who is this best friend, you ask? The one person in the whole world that knows me better than anybody else: the one person who has and will always be there for me: He's my best friend, my role model, and my Big Brother.
He knows what he wants to do in life, and he's not the kind of person that will let anybody talk him out of something. Now, I don't know if he has a bucket list, because to be frank, the idea is kinda tacky, but I believe in it very strongly. I believe that if you don't write down your dreams and the things you want to accomplish, they won't ever come true.
I'm 18 and I know what I want out of life, and I know what I have to do to get it. That's a lot to say for someone my age, and definately harder for someone older than me to believe that I mean it with everything in me, but it's the truth. I know what I want, and I refuse to die until I have reached my full potential.

I have my bucket list full of 100 things to do before I turn 30, which means I have another for the bigger things I want to do before I die. Do you know what you want out of life? Do you have a bucket list? &If you do, what's on yours that different from anybody else's? What's going to make your life memorable for the people around you once your time on this earth is done and you're gone? What will you leave behind for people to remember you for?

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