06 January 2011


I have officially submitted my very first college application. It's weird. I still don't know how to feel about it... I'm nervous, but at the same time, extremely relieved. I feel as though the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders, now I just get to play the waiting game. I just hope that I get in because I don't know if my Plan B will actually happen or not. At this point, I don't know which I would rather. Go to college straight out of high school, or take two years off and then try to go back to school.
The two years would be ones that would change my life, no doubt. One would be to work my butt off full time at Target (or maybe American Eagle? Still working on that one...) and saving up for a year so that I can travel around the world with my brother and a friend of his...
That is, if they let me. I would absolutely love to go, but I don't know which I would rather. Spending a year working, maybe losing friends, maybe making new ones, or with two guys, traveling all over the globe, experiencing things most would never get the chance to do...
Hmm, which would you rather?
Well, either way, those are my plans A and B. If one doesn't work out, I have the other one, right? That is, if I actully get accepted to college. :/ Well, let's all raise our glass to the future, the unknown, and learning patience and choosing which life I'd rather have. Oh, the choices for an 18 year old to make...

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