30 January 2011


This is the last time. This is the last chance we have. This is the end of the beginning. This is the first day, of the rest of our lives. After this year, this will all be done. High School will be done. Over. Past. There is no turning back, no second chances.
First semester is already gone. We never thought it would happen, but it's finally starting to hit us all. Graduation is right around the corner. We won't see these people ever again. What's the point in disliking someone for something that happened years ago? Take the time we have left and utilize it to the best of your ability. I fear that I will regret the things that I won't say more than the ones that I will. I fear that I won't be able to do the things I want to before the rest of my life begins. I fear that once we all go our separate ways, we will forget about each other. I fear that in a matter of a few months, we will all me scarce figures in the figments of everyone's memories. I want to move on, but I don't want to let go of everything I have right now.
The boys of fall. This movie is the perfect portrayal of football season from the fan's point of view. During every single game, we the fans all live vicariously through the players. We yell at the top of our lungs, as if it makes a difference. We dress up in the colors of our school, to represent the love we have for the boys on the field. We support them with everything we have inside us. High school is one simple thing: Those Friday Night Lights. The smell of the fresh cut grass, the cool chill of the autumn air, the race of our adrenaline coursing throug
h our bodies as we watch those boys, our friends in the hallways, celebrities on the field, run out. It's amazing. The smallest things really do mean the most when you break it down. When we see people running around in gym class, nobody really pays attention. But put that same scenario in a football uniform, jogging out onto a field, and you have what every teen wants in high school experience; suddenly, we're all one in the same. There are no words.
Senior year rolls around and we all become so engrossed with the future. What we want to do with the rest of our lives, who we are friends with, the friends we've lost, the college we're planning on attending... It's all so much that we almost forget completely about the now. This is the last. The last high school football game we will go to. The last time we will be with the friends we've known our whole lives. The last time we will get to choose our high school courses for the next semester. The last time everything is the exact same, but in some aspect, completely foreign. This is the best time of our lives. High school is what makes us who we really are. It's the time for discovering, for experimenting, for finding out. High school is the years we all want to get to, yet can't wait to get out of. This time of our lives will be over before we know it. Why do we all waste it wanting the future to come faster, when the life we have, RIGHT NOW, are the days most adults would kill to get back.
Countless Friends. Friday Nights. No Responsibility. Carefree and Careless. Old enough to know better, too young to care.
These days really are, the Best Days Of Our Lives. Don't waste them away.

Who are we, really? We change so often, it's getting hard for me to tell what's real, and what's just temporary. I have changed so much in the past few years. Some things stick with me, some things simply come and go. Are they phases, or can somebody really call me fake?
One day I don't care what I look like, the next, I feel like getting my brows waxed, wearing cute clothes, doing my hair &makeup, and getting my nails done. One day I have fresh, virgin skin, the next I want a million tattoos. Does that make me a poser? No. It makes me a teenager. One day I love my hair the color it is naturally, the next, I want every color of the rainbow in it. For me, being a teenager is being able to do whatever you want, without being made fun of. It's the time when none of us really know who we are, so why not experiment and have fun while trying?
We're young and carefree, so why should we act any differently? We're spirited and passionate, why waste that? This life is all so precious and fragile, so why do so many people waste it?! I plan on embracing every single moment of the rest of my life. I know that all of this could be gone in the blink of an eye, so I don't plan on taking any of it for granted. Why do you?

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