22 January 2011


It's as if we're afraid of love, and anything that even slightly resmebles it. We are so afraid of a broken heart or getting turned down, we don't even risk it anymore. We might as well all be Amish. Seriously.
So, here's the low down from my perspective:
The good guys fall for the girls that play them, but don't think they deserve anything better.
The good girls fall for the guys that will cheat on them because they don't think they can do any better than the lowest.
We say we 'fall in love' but is it true? From my point of view, we fall in lust. I know the feeling well.
I'm terrified of commitment, but I know that as soon as somebody shows me that I can trust them, I won't have to be afraid anymore. Is it so much to want chivalry to NOT be dead? I mean, what is it about girls and guys these days?
They always say, leave your comfort zone and let love come to you, but I don't believe that anymore. I believe that if you want something bad enough, you have to be willing to fight for it. You have to be willing to stand in the middle of your high school cafeteria during the busiest time of day and stand on a table and yell at the top of your lungs, "I like you! Now will you please do something about it before I go completely crazy?!"
Do we as a society have to lower our standards or what? Just because some of the girls are lucky enough to be able to call of the nice guys in school theirs, do the rest of us have to settle?
So sue me for being 18 years old and knowing what I want in a guy. Is that really a crime? I want someone who will make me laugh, who will make me feel special, and who will love me for me, and be able to bring me with when he's with his friends...
For once in my life, I want a true love story to happen to me. I want to fall for a guy, and actually have him act on it. I'm sick and tired of sitting by as all my friends get the guys, as I just stand on the sidelines watching. Is it so much to ask that, hey, can you at least act like you're semi interested?
Like here, story of my life:
Girl sees cute boy.
Girl starts to like cute guy.
Girl starts to fall for cute guy and gets noticed by cute guy and all of cute guy's friends.
Cute guy glances girl's way every now and then.
Girl suffers because she wishes he would ACTUALLY do something about it.
Girl loses faith.
Girl hates all guys.
Girl goes back to being friends with guys.
Girl falls for another cute guy.

No joke, that's what always happens to me. I know what to do to get noticed by a guy, but have they lost all of their balls and courage to be able to walk up to a girl and start a conversation? I mean come on. Is chivalry really dead?
Yeah, you could call me a social butterfly. I talk to everybody I run into and I become friends with like 99% of those people, but for some reason, it never escalates into anything else. Is it really a bad thing for me to want a guy to fall for ME for once? I'm tired of always being the one who falls, and therefore the one who gets hurt.

I walk past you, you look at me, we make eye contact. Every now and then we even exchange a slight smile. I get it, you're not as outgoing or carefee as some people. You're shy. I know how you feel. I used to be the same way. I've learned that being shy doesn't get you anywhere in life. I want you to talk to me, not me to kill myself just for you to maybe notice me. I know you know who I am. I've made it very clear I think you're cute. So do me a favor, grow a pair and talk to me. I'm not that hard to talk to, or that intimidating, or whatever. I'm a PERSON! Just like the next girl.
What ever happened to the guy making the first move? Has it been totally lost in todays society?

--MReed, KKentera
#'s 23, 30, 33 (:

On another note! Boys basketball! Tonight was the game of the season by far. RHSvsPCHS
We won. Of course(: It was a close came and really intense. It was so much fun. I just want to say congrats to Devin, Mitch R, Mitch S, Elliot, Marcus, Landon, Kris, Cole, Steven, Alex, Kevin, and everybody else on the team. You all played so well &the whole school is so proud of all of you guys. You have made this season one to remember, and the fact that it's the last one for us in high school makes it even more special. I hope you guys all keep up the good work: you deserve all of the wins. This is the last chance we get before we all go our seperate ways, let's do everything we can to make it worthwhile. (: You guys want to thank us fans for coming out to support you. You should be thanking yourselves &your coach. You all make it so easy to come out and cheer you on when we all have so much faith in you(:

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