26 January 2011


What did I learn today? That nothing is really official until it has been posted all over facebook for the entire world to see. It's true when they say that technology is taking over our generations. If you missed anything in person, it is guaranteed that you can find it on facebook. You miss the homework assigned in class? Someone on facebook will have it. Missed the latest fight? Someone will have taped it and posted the link to facebook. Don't know what teachers to take for your classes next year? No problem, everybody posts about the teachers they hate. There ya go, problem solved. Ever feel outta the loop? Just log onto facebook for about 10 minutes &you'll be all caught up. The latest breakup, the latest drama, and everything in between.
As I walk through the halls on my way to class, I hear just this... The following is not exaggerated. It is in fact exactly what I heard.
"Dude, are you serious?!"
"Yeah, it's all over facebook."

It turns out that facebook is the new MySpace. And before you know it, there will be some new, hot, up and coming website that will make twitter and facebook look as ancient as MySpace is starting to look to all of us. Things are only true if you've read about it on FB. Thing are only reliable if EVERYBODY says something about it... On their FB. You can only believe the rumors,,, if somebody posted them... ON FB!!!!
Yes, it is easy to say that FB is taking over the world, one sad soul at a time. Have we totally lost the idea of reading a good old fashioned book? Sitting outside, just to sit outside? Going on walks because they make us feel refreshed? What has internet, or shall I say facebook, done to us?!?!?!?!

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