24 January 2011


Yeah, we can all say now that I am the craziest, dumbest person ever. But hey, who cares?! It's fun.
The point isn't the destination, but the journey in getting there.
Life is all one big misadventure. Things go wrong, people leave; you live, you learn, you crash, you burn. We all make mistakes and we all do some really stupid things during out time. So let me ask you this, what's the point in embarassment? What's the point in turning your head in shame? We all mess up; laugh at yourself. Life isn't tolerable if you don't make mistakes &learn from every one of them. So many people go through life doing everything they can to be perfect because they think perfection is the key to happiness. In my opinion, happiness only comes through orderly chaos. We all make mistakes, some bigger than others, some dumber than others, BUT a mistake is a mistake. We trip over our own feet, we get people mixed up &we forget crucial information. So what? It happens to all of us. The greatest minds in history are the people that make more mistakes than the rest of us all combined. So many people don't understand the purpose of laugher. It is to release any stress, of which is caused by extreme screw ups.
"Who will love me for me, not for what I have done or what I will become. Who will love me for me, cuz nobody has shown me what love, what love really means." --JJ Heller
We all need to learn to love and accept for everybody for out flaws. That's what makes life interesting and fun and exciting. We make dumb mistakes, and we have friends who love us despite. We have friends who will laugh at our utter stupidity every day for what we did three weeks ago. Why can't we all be as carefree as a child? They fall down, look to the people around them, and then end up laughing in the end. Life should be full of stupid mistakes and people that will laugh WITH you, not AT you. True friends will accept you for all of your mistakes &love you even more with every one you make. None of us are perfect; what's the point in striving for it? It's never going to happen. Let's all love it up while we have the time and not regret a single one of the stupid things we've done in our past or the stupider things we will do in our future. It's inevitable. Enjoy &laugh at all of your mistakes. I will be right by your side to laugh with you(:

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