09 January 2011


Have you ever noticed that those two simple little elements are the two things that run this world?
Everything technology wise is plastic with a little bit of metal; our phones, iPods, computers, televisions, cameras and so on. And most imiportantly, credit/debit cards.
When it comes to paper, you have homework, class handouts, books, magazines, that little letter from a college that either accepts you or regects you, and most of all, MONEY.
Paper and plastic are the things that make this world go 'round, and it's sad if you really think about it.
When one thinks of what makes this world great, shouldn't we come up with something like love, or peace, or happiness? No, instead it's the simple answer, paper. Money rules our worlds. Don't believe me? Allow me to explain...
Going through school, we grow up reading books, made of paper. As we get older, some of us begin to lose interest in books and move onto magazines, also made from paper. We get countless handouts from teachers and have to turn in our homework, and what are we going to do it all on? Paper.
A few years down the road, we get to the point of having a job, and paper is incorporated into our lives in the form of paychecks. We then get a car, and what does a car need in order to run? Gas and insurance payments; both of which cost money, that can be payed using either paper or plastic.
Once we get a job and have paid off all of our debts and necessary payments, we splurge. And on what else than electronics, made from lots of plastic and a little science. We have our digital cameras, out cell phones, our computers, and out iPods. And what are they all made from? You've got it, plastic. Our entire world is ruled by money in one way or another. We grow up spending our parents money, and eventually they get tired of us wasting theirs, so they make us make our own, of which we continue to waste on random things that will most likely be gone in a matter of days, if not hours.
So, you tell me. What do you think runs our world?
Seemingly pointless, I know. But I haven't been able to get to a computer for the past couple of days, and whenever I come up with something worth writing about, I'm always in the middle of something else that won't allow me to write it down. So, this is what I've got for the day. :(

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