06 January 2011


What's the point?

Poser. Nerd. Geek. Barbie. Psycho. Bookie. Trailer trash. Emo. Snob. Redneck. I could go on forever...

There are millions of labels that circle around our entire lives, but what's the point of them? They may or may not be true, and they may or may not hurt someone's feelings. All they really do is make somebody else feel worse about themselves, but for what? So you can feel better about YOURSELF? That doesn't seem like a good enough reason. Labels are a waste of time because the only label anyone can put on THEMSELVES in 'unique.' We are all different, and for good reason. We were all born with different goals and ambitions in life, and we were all born with a set goal in mind. If God wanted all of the girls in the world to resemble the head cheerleader, he would have made it that way, and if He wanted all of the guys to mirror the quarter back on the football team, He would have done so from the start. But he didn't. So why do we keep labeling people with words are used on false pretenses?

We judge our peers, and just everybody around us, based on what we've heard from our friends, how somebody dresses, what they look like, and who they associate with. But is any of that good enough. Just because somebody doesn't have millions to spend on name brand labels doesn't mean that they won't be the most genuine person you ever meet. And just because the 'popular' girl is mean to people when she's with her friends, doesn't mean that she isn't doing it all just so she can stay the 'popular' girl.
Labels don't do anything for anybody except limit the people we are all 'allowed' to be friens with because we might then be labeled as a 'loser' for being nice to the new kid in class.
Labels hurt. Don't use them. We are all unique and different from the people around us for a reason. We all need to learn to respect each others differences and embrace them. We can learn so much from one another, but we have to grow up first.
We all have our own kinds of prejudices for whatever reason, and some of those can't be out grown, but most of them can. For just a day, I challenge you this:
Talk to the 'nerd' in class, Say hi to the school 'loner', or just sit next to somebody who looks like their having a rough day. You might be surprised at what could come of it.

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