21 January 2011


Have you ever felt so happy for so long, that it feels almost surreal? I love feeling like everything in my life is finally working out like they're supposed to. It's a rare feeling for me, but I can't get enough of it. I wish I knew what was making me feel this way, but at the same time, I'm happy I don't. Maybe it's the fact that basketball season is in full swing &It's such a rush going to the games and seeing the boys do their best, and usually win. Maybe it's being able to see my friends everyday and always having something new to talk &laugh about. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a senior and I'm taking the time I have left in high school and taking in as much of it as possible. Maybe it's all of these things combined, but maybe it's something totally different. Either way, I can't get enough of it, and I can't explain just how great it makes me feel. I'm always in a good mood, and when I'm not, it doesn't last long at all. I feel like my life is finally starting to be what it was meant to be all along. It's an out of body experience: the kind they talk about in books and movies, but one doesn't really understand until they are lucky enough to experience it on their own. I feel so completely blessed that my life is turning out the way it is. Maybe things are about to take a dramatic turn, but when it does, I know I will have people by my side through the whole thing.
I have friends that love me, that vent to me, that trust me with their secrets, and who talk to me about things they're afraid to talk to other people about. I feel like even though I don't have a boyfriend, it's okay. I don't need a guy to make me happy. I have all of the guy friends that I need, and that's all that matters. I have friends I can mess around with and have there be nothing more than friendship there; things don't have to get awkward, and things can stay carefree &fresh. Now that's the life.
WIth it being senior year, I'm talking to new people all the time, I'm making new friends everyday, finding new things to laugh about every day, and being all around happy. I feel like I'm untouchable, and when I'm with my friends, there's nothing better than how they make me feel. Most people would say I act like I'm high when I'm with them, and it's true. I am high; off life. Cliche, I know, but it's the truth. When I'm with my friends, I'm the life of the party and that's something I've never been before. I feel like I actually fit with the friends I have now, versus having to bust my butt just to get to see the people I used to call my friends. Things are finally flowing, and the feeling is completely undescribable.

School Hoodie: $30
Kicks that make boys stare: $70
Bball Game Admission: $3
Being able to laugh and be happy all the time: Priceless
I have my friends, my family, and my life to be thankful for.

What makes you feel so passionate about something, you become speechless? What is the one thing that makes you feel like you're walking on water? For me, it's a good basketball game, talking to my best friend, or a night in with the girls. What's your ultimate happiness?

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