28 January 2011


When you hear the word, what do you think of? This little four letter word is the one thing that gets me thinking every day of my life. What is it? How do we even know if it exists? Is there only one person out there for each of us, or are there hundreds? What does it feel like?

3 words. 8 letters. Say them &I'm yours.

There are so many things that go with those four little letters. I know I'm only 18 and still have my whole life ahead of me, but is it really a bad thing that I want to fall in love before I turn 20? I want to fall so in love it hurts. I want to fall for someone who will work to get my attention, who won't take me for granted. I want to fall for someone who won't be afraid to hurt me, but will ALWAYS be there to catch me. I want to fall hopelessly in love, and I want it to be real. I'm sick and tired of just being the 'friend'.
Boys, answer me this, what is it about a girl that makes you fall? I've heard every answer in the book, but I want to know what it really is. I've heard that they fall for the girls that treat everyone like crap (seriously?!). I've heard that guys fall for the sweet &genuine girl in class... But what about those of us that are in the middle?
What if we're just having fun being nice to everybody, but not bending over backwards so that everybody besides ourselves are happy? Then what? What's left for us?
I want a guy to look at me &not be afraid to come over to me and start a conversation. Even if I'm with friends, I'm not going to turn down a new friend or conversation. Yes, I start as friends with all of the guys I meet, but is that as far as it's ever going to get?

What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it a way of looking at things? What it is exactly, or can it even be defined?
I believe that there is one special person out there for everyone. But here's the thing that I constantly worry about...
What if we don't find that one person? What if we find 'decent' but never 'perfect'? What if we spend our whole life waiting? Searching? What happens to those of us that never find the one person that we're supposed to spend eternity with?
&when we think we're starting to fall for someone, how do we tell the difference between like&love?
Maybe these are all stupid questions. Maybe once you fall in love, you can answer me every single one of these. Maybe nobody can answer these for anyone. Maybe the answer is different for every single person. But I just can't help but wonder...

What is it about me that repels guys from wanting to date me &just stay friends? Is it the fact that I have a ton of guy friends? Is it because I talk to everybody? Am I intimidating? Am I unapproachable? Everybody I ever ask always just assumes that these questions are all rhetorical, but they really aren't.
What makes one girl more 'date-able' than the next?
What is love? And most importantly, how do we find it?
I'm sick of being stuck in the friend zone. For once in my life, I want to know what it's like to be on the other side. I want to know what it's like to always have someone you can rely on. I want to know what it's like to have a hand to hold through all the tough times. I want to know what it's like to get sweet little kisses just for the heck of it. I want to know what it's like to be wanted.

So I leave you with this:
What is love? Four little letters. So much meaning.

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