15 January 2011


So, basically, my mom just got the world's greatest computer. It's got a huge ass screen. I just thought I'd share(:

Last night: PC vs FFC basketball game. Greatest night of my life, no joke. People say it all the time, but last night, I have never cheered louder, laughed harder, danced more, and freaked out over nothing more. Last night was the night of all nights, and you would know that if you were at the game, and if you weren't, you have no life. nbd(: Being able to make people laugh, Pulling up next to cute boys [PC basketball players] after the game, and completely embarassing my friends; all the makings of the perfect night, no lie.

Basketball is the best sport. I'm not the kind of girl that really gets into sporting events, but it's a totally different story when it comes to basketball. Something is different inside me than ever before, I just can't place my finger on it. New School? Finally found friends that make me happy without making me feel worthless?
Cute boys that don't make me nervous? Being able to finally be me and having people accept me for just who I am? None of it? All of it? I don't know, &I may never know, but it finally doesn't matter. I have friends that I know will stick by my side through whatever, and I now know that I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. I have more fun with my friends than I do with a guy that likes me. There's no pressure, just fun. It's the way life should be, &it finally is.(:

I feel like I'm on top of the world and I'm completely invincible (sp?). There's something inside of me that has always wanted to come out, and is finally getting the chance to do just that, and I couldn't be happier(: I feel like I can let people in and not have to second guess their motives. I can make friends with new people and accept that they may be better friends for me than the ones I already have, it's already proven true this year. I feel like my life is finally starting to fall into place, where it's supposed to be; where it should have been for the past few years... But hey, you live and you learn, right?! (: I feel like my life is opening up to all new possibilities, which is the greatest feeling. Music, friends, boys, classes , and just life in general. It's all new. It's all so spirited and passionate.

It's all so refreshing.

"We live, we love, we forgive, and never give up, 'cause the days we are given are gifts from above and today we remember to live and to love."
Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? (: Get out there and live your life; you only get one chance, so why waste it following the rules. Don't waste the time you have now until you're sitting on your death bed asking your self, "what if?"


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