25 January 2011


Don't you just love it when you lose touch with certain people, and then randomly see them years later. You know, once all of the awkwardness is over with. Once they have grown into their height, their voice, and so much more?! Puberty sucks going through it, but to see people afterward, you realize just how much you miss them, and just how attractive they really are! Middle school is the absolute worst time of anybody's life. It is full of voices that constantly crack, girls that are all taller than boys, nonstop acne, clothes never fitting the same twice, and everything else that is insanely awkward. But then, once all of those weird things are over with, people start to finally grow into themselves. I love seeing guys down the road, and boy is it nice to see them all again.
They are all so much more attractive than I ever remember them, and just the fact that they remember me too, that's the kind of thing that makes my days. You have to love people that you grow up with, lose touch with, but then remember you at first sight after...nearly 8 years? That's what I call memory. (:
Let me just say, you are EXTREMELY attractive anymore, and I love the fact that you remember me, after all of these years. I'm glad I made an impression like that on somebody, because you remembering my name is just about the greatest thing that has happened to me all week. Thank you, &it was amazing to see you again. &Just so you know, puberty did you well, very well(:


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